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Market Reports

U.S. Market Analysis for the Paint & Coatings Industry (2023 – 2028)

2023 2028 USMA Report 2 13 24

Global Market Analysis for the Paint & Coatings Industry (2024 – 2029)

GMA cover


The State of the U.S. Paint and Coatings Market 2023-2025: Slow and “Steady as She Goes”

The year 2024 is expected to be a mixed year for the paint and coatings industry in the United States. The year 2023 ended with production of 1.33 billion gallons valued at $32.8 billion, down from 2022 by 1.8% in volume but up 1.4% in value. The outlook for 2024e suggests a slight increase in full-year production, totaling 1.36 billion gallons, and an increase in value to $34.5 billion.

Optimizing Your Strategic Planning with Business Cycle Analysis

Leveraging sophisticated market intelligence tools like business cycle analysis can enhance the efficacy of your data-driven decision-making process, facilitating the attainment of your strategic objectives. By harnessing the power of visualizing market trends through BCA and forecasting crucial industry indicators, you gain a pivotal piece of the puzzle that sets you apart from your competitors.

Achieving Success through Data-Driven Decision Making

Several variables, including a company’s objectives and the available types and quality of data, affect how precisely data may be incorporated into the decision-making process. Every contemporary company should work to optimize their data-driven decision making to ensure profitable growth.

2022 Raw Materials and Chemicals Overview

2022 Raw Materials and Chemicals Overview

As the world emerges from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global economy is seeing some positive indicators for growth, with sustained high demand. The recovery gained traction in 2021 following the introduction of vaccines and reduced protocols related to...

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Coatings and Low-Carbon Cement Technology

Coatings and Low-Carbon Cement Technology

Pending legislation that aims to mandate use of low-carbon-containing cement is under consideration in New York and New Jersey, and other states are introducing legislation that requires construction proposals to declare the environmental impact of cement mixes. Honolulu, Hawaii, has added a requirement that city construction projects consider using concrete that stores CO₂. Thus, regulations are driving research efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of cement. The result could have significant implications for the adhesion and durability of paints and coatings applied over low-carbon cements.

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The view from the other side…

The view from the other side…

Just a few months ago, at the start of 2022, we were holding our breath that the new year would be easier than the preceding pandemic years. Cautiously optimistic that the country could avoid any major weather events, that raw materials would become more readily...

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Ask Joe Powder: June 2022

Ask Joe Powder: June 2022

Our popular Ask Joe Powder blog has made its way to the pages of PCI magazine. What are your powder coating questions and challenges? Joe Powder, aka Kevin Biller of ChemQuest Powder Coating Research, shares his powder coating knowledge and expertise by answering...

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