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Powder Coating Performance

Epoxy primer vs. galvanizing: What are the pros and cons?

Q: What are the pros or cons of powder coating with zinc primer vs. galvanizing and then powder coating over...

Epoxy powders and QUV: Will an epoxy-based powder coating pass a QUV test?

Q: We use an epoxy in our powder process here in our facility, and it doesn’t pass an accelerated exposure...

Powder coating moisture: Is it important to measure moisture when manufacturing with powder coatings?

Q: Is moisture an important measurement in the manufacturing of powders used in coating? If so, how is water measured?...

Hydrophobic powder coating: What’s the best way to impart hydrophobicity to a powder-coated surface?

Q: Have you come across hydrophobic additives for powder coating? Or a wet paint that could easily be applied over...

High heat and corrosion resistance: Which powder coating chemistry can withstand high temperatures while maintaining resistance to corrosion?

Q: We have an application where a cast iron component is exposed to a temperature of 560°C for approximately two...