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Powder Coating Application Issues

Powder coating aluminum sheets: How can we hang parts without holes or holidays?

Q: We are currently solvent coating several consumable aluminum parts made of thin sheet. We would like to evaluate powder...

Powder falling from booth ceiling: A three-prong approach to identify and eliminate powder coating clumping

Q: We have a dedicated/automated powder line. The parts go through the wash stages and are powdered in an enclosed area....

Unwanted decreased powder film thickness: Are automatic guns, reclaimed powder, or particle size inconsistency causing problems?

Q: Over a three-month period, we have had a condition with our powder coating system where our part mil readings...

Aluminum vs. steel substrates: Potential causes for different film thickness

Q: We work with aluminum and steel substrates, and the coatings are coming out different. The aluminum has a thinner...

Increasing production output: Exploring options to double the line speed of a powder coating system

Q: I am searching for a way to double our production for powder coating division. Presently, we have a capacity...