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  4. Calculating specific gravity: How can I determine a powder coating’s specific gravity?

Calculating specific gravity: How can I determine a powder coating’s specific gravity?

Q: Can you teach me how to determine the specific gravity of a powder coating?

A: Here is how to calculate the theoretical specific gravity of a powder coating. Set up a spreadsheet with four columns:

  • First column – name of raw material
  • Second column – weight of raw material in percent
  • Third column – specific gravity of raw material (Be careful not to use the “bulk density” of the raw material here; you want the specific gravity. This can be found on the technical data sheet and also in the MSDS under physical properties.)
  • Fourth column – “volume” (Calculate the volume of each raw material by dividing the raw material weight by the raw material volume.)

Sum up the values in the volume column, then divide the weight total (should be 100) by the volume sum. This gives the theoretical specific gravity of the powder coating formula.

Specific Gravity Calculations table

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